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The parties were married on May 25, 1963 and plaintiff now seeks a divorce based upon the newly enacted no-fault grounds contained within Domestic Relations Law . Read more
The trial judge determined that father, who was employed as a school bus driver, could generate additional income as a barber due to his training and abilities in that field of employment. A... Read more
Husband argues that his K-1 income should not be considered in the calculation of gross income for child support purposes because it is merely a bookkeeping entry and does not represent inco... Read more
Wife's interest in any future distributions of a trust of which she was a beneficiary was mere expectancy, and therefore wife did not have vested interest in distributions and distributions... Read more
This action involves a stepfather's attempt to claim a presumption of paternity based on the alleged invalidity of the mother's first marriage under Sudanese law because her first husband, t... Read more
Father's willful violation of joint custody order and continued deterioration of his relationship with children's mother were a significant change in circumstances warranting modification of... Read more
Husband stated he was not familiar with the premarital agreement, signed on their wedding day, but was under the impression that the parties were keeping sole ownership of their premarital p... Read more
Parties entered into a Contract of Separation, Property Settlement, Child Support, Child Custody and Alimony Agreement (the Agreement) on 17 December 2007. One of the provisions of the Agree... Read more
Husband claims that the court erred in denying his motion as he sought a downward modification of the maintenance and child support obligations and further erred in ordering him to pay wife... Read more
Decedent (male) was lawfully married in Canada to another male. The decedent’s brother challenged the will, in which decedent left the residue of his estate to his same-sex partner. Read more