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Family lawyers are often faced with difficult clients or cases; try these techniques next time you have a client who's hard (or seems impossible!) to work with. Read more
Client-centered communication is a way to help difficult clients feel heard and understood, in hopes of making them collaborators in their legal process as opposed to hindrances. Read more
When your client goes through a divorce, courts will notice any past criminal charges/convictions. Their behavior in court and the specific kind of charges they faced may be taken into accou... Read more
Dan Couvrette, the Publisher of Family Lawyer Magazine interviewed Brian McNamara, a family lawyer who also offers pre and postnuptial agreements that are customized and prepackaged with fix... Read more
Twitter Fleets is a new way to establish your law firm's brand on Twitter. A lot of eyes on Fleets could translate into a lot of eyes on your firm. Read more
If your family law firm isn't active on social media, you're missing a huge opportunity to promote your brand & drive potential clients to your website. Here’s what you must know about socia... Read more
Divorce cases that involve vice businesses can seriously impact property division, spousal and child support awards, and parenting time. Here are some challenges – and strategies – for famil... Read more
Your first year of practice as a family lawyer may be a bit of a rollercoaster. But stay the course and you'll learn that being a family lawyer is rewarding, challenging – and lucrative. Read more
The discount rate is the key factor in business valuation that converts future dollars into present value as of the valuation date. Here's how to decide whether the rate being used is reason... Read more
Cooking is about having fun – and the joy is the process, not the final product. There's no better way to get to know someone than to break bread with them. Read more