Keeping Your Client and the Kids in Their Home: Post Divorce
The unthinkable happens -- parents are splitting; the family must deal with the emotions and trauma of one household becoming two, two incomes becomin... Read more
The unthinkable happens -- parents are splitting; the family must deal with the emotions and trauma of one household becoming two, two incomes becomin... Read more
Husband stated he was not familiar with the premarital agreement, signed on their wedding day, but was under the impression that the parties were keep... Read more
Service members returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan face complex matrimonial problems at times. Their cases pose serious challenges for family la... Read more
Divorce courts will generally consider a number of factors in determining how much child support or alimony that one spouse should pay to the other Read more
Ansin v. Craven-Ansin: Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court articulates standards to recognize the validity and enforceability of “marital” agreements... Read more
Johnston v. Weill: The husband sought the psychiatrist's report of the wife's evaluation in the first divorce. The court decided that it was confident... Read more
Do you understand the value of filing as head of the household? Experts say you can save up to 8,000 dollars a month if you play your cards right. Read more
The prototypical model of collaborative law in divorce requires opposing attorneys to withdraw from representation upon the collapse of the negotiatio... Read more
Divorce can also be financially taxing and the tax consequences, if not understood, will add to that distress. Fathoming the tax aspects of divorce be... Read more
The tax law is complicated, far too complicated in fact. As it is, we tend to see things as we want and not as they really are and remember things dif... Read more
I filed jointly, the tax returns of divorcing couples will produce a lower combined tax liability than will two married filing separate returns. Read more
As a family lawyer, understanding the worth of the initial interview with a client carries the key to success in a case. Find out how it is done. Read more
It is important to finish your service with a ceremony and remind the client of the excellent job you have done. Simply stated, people may not fully a... Read more
Take the time to learn these social media basics for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and start speaking to an audience that is begging for the informa... Read more
Only a skilled lawyer knows the art of divorce settlement negotiations that maximizes the client’s position without making the opponent feel defeated. Read more
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