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Do you ever feel like walking the tightrope while trying to achieve a balance between work and life? Try these 10 tips to battle burnout and depression. Read more
An analysis of the high-and low-payoff activities will make life better and productive for you. Any lawyer can benefit by putting these 9 tips to use. Read more
You had to stop for gas and there was a line at the pumps, and you're late again. “I’m sorry” you say, “It’s been wild today.” What is the problem here? Read more
When mistakes happen, opt for lessons. Since everybody makes mistakes, your response, if handled well, can turn the situation into a learning opportunity. Read more
Do not plan to complete everything in one sitting or on the same day. Keep your energy up, and stop when tired. Here are more tips to stay organized. Read more
Life insurance and support arrangements become the first casualty after love flies away from a relationship, which eventually leads to divorce. Read more
Reasl estate and divorce are inseparable when it comes to litigation. Due to several factors the spouse with primary custody gets to retain the family’s residence. Read more
Could an alternate payee's account be used for allocation fo plan expenses in a defined contribution plan? It is unclear from the law. Find out why! Read more
This retirement benefit can save your divorcing client money. However, situations differ, requiring you to run the numbers before you advise the client. Read more
When writing a cohabitation agreement, most attorneys look to a pre-nuptial agreement as a model, since, even today, pre-nuptial agreements are far more common than cohabitation agreements.... Read more