About the Author

Diana Shepherd, CDFA®

Diana Shepherd has over 30 years of experience as a marketing, branding, SEO, copywriting, editing, and publishing expert. As Content Director for Family Lawyer Magazine, Divorce Magazine, and Divorce Marketing Group, she oversees all corporate content development and frequently creates SEO-friendly videos, podcasts, and copy for family law and financial firms. The Co-Founder of Divorce Magazine and Divorce Marketing Group, Diana is an award-winning editor, published author, and a nationally recognized expert on divorce, remarriage, finance, and stepfamily issues. She has written hundreds of articles geared towards both family law professionals and divorcing people, and she has both performed and taught on-page SEO for 20+ years. Diana spent eight years as the Marketing Director for the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts® (IDFA®), and she has been a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® since 2006. While at IDFA, she wrote, designed, and published The IDFA Marketing Guide, and she also created seminars for CDFA professionals to present to family lawyers (approved for CLE), as well as to separated and divorcing individuals. She has represented both DMG and IDFA at industry conferences and events across North America, and she has given marketing as well as divorce financial seminars at many of those conferences.


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    Thom Maples

    It’s nice to see a professional that has worked hard in his field and earned the respect of many. Today for every 1 there are 10 evaluators that if you pay they’ll play on your team no matter who gets hurt. Why not, they busted their ass wrote a few articles maybe even a book that got noticed. Almost the only profession all you need is a couple colleagues with like thinking and your geniuses. Next lawyers that will pay your asking fees and reports will favour that client, at least in Sacramento, CA. I have no children but was appalled at the family court system and judges that practice and try to call it justice here. But this so called evaluator that didn’t even complete the written report and twisted the report so bad, deleted the MMPI-2 scores and punishes a young lady raped at gunpoint when she was 16 and has worked hard to get past a tragedy only for him to victiimize her again. To lie and win with the word justice attached to it would crush me, but telling the truth with a open heart fills worse . Are society rewards the liars and cheaters, where are the judges,cops and justice to fix instead of scorning are complaints. Never again.


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