Political Differences & Divorce: Have political differences been cited as the reason for divorce in any of your cases? Receive media coverage by writing an article on this topic!
Are Political Differences Driving Couples to Divorce?
The increasingly divided political discourse in the U.S. was the impetus behind a survey conducted to determine how, if at all, political differences have impacted Americans’ romantic relationships since 2016.
Wakefield Research’s study, entitled “The Trump Effect on Relationships,” surveyed 1,000 “nationally representative U.S. adults,” and their collected data revealed that:
- 11% of Americans – and 22% of Millennials – have ended relationships over political strife
- 22% of Americans – and 35% of Millennials – know someone “whose marriage or relationship has been negatively impacted specifically due to President Trump’s election”.
Write for Us: Political Differences & Divorce
Have you noticed political differences being cited as the reason for divorce in any of your cases? Would you be interested in sharing your experiences with your peers by writing an article for this website and our print magazine? Here are a few questions to get those creative juices flowing:
- Have you had clients citing political differences as one of or the primary reason for their divorce?
- If so, was the case more acrimonious than usual?
- If so, which of the following were affected by the couple’s opposing political beliefs?
- Child Custody, Visitation, and/or Abduction?
- Alimony
- Property Division
- The Couple’s Ability/Willingness to Cooperate to Settle Their Divorce
- Other
- Do you have any advice or tips to share with your peers who may be experiencing their first “political divorce” case?
All articles conforming to our Guidelines will appear on this website, and selected articles will also be published in Family Lawyer Magazine.
Deadline to receive completed articles: October 31, 2022.
Political Differences & Divorce: Quick Survey
We also plan to include feedback from a survey in a feature article. If you don’t have time to write, but would still like to have your say, then take our two-minute survey here.