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Family law practice is one of the more difficult law practices to build. Mark Powers talks about how to increase your income and decrease your stress! Read more
Here's the latest from the technology corner: In the near future, we will store all our data in the Cloud and use lighter computer devises. Read more
What works and what doesn't when it comes to engaging an audience through social media: here's a “Top 10” list of how to use social media for family lawyers and other professionals. Read more
A website, and a social media sight increase your audience and your firm's exposure to search engines, besides cross-pollinating your internet presence. Read more
Developing a modern employee handbook is more complicated than it once was, it is no less essential. Manuals are the glue that holds law firms together. Read more
Selecting clients wisely helps protect against malpractice, and saves a lot of time. It also boosts morale, and restore peace in a crisis-driven practice. Read more
The benefits of obtaining professional coaching are immense, especially when your client is suffering from physical, emotional or psychological distress. Read more
By John E. Harding: A look at how a minor investment can provide impressive technology and functionality in your office. Read more
Shouldn't you have everything with you in its bulky paper form when going to court? John Harding says going to court with less paper is better. Read more
Levitt & Quinn’s Annual Awards Dinner is the fall event for Los Angeles’ family law community. Read more