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Awareness is key to being able to mitigate compassion fatigue. Pay attention to how you are feeling; recognize the signs of compassion fatigue and take action. Here's what you need to know. Read more
Social engineering, phishing, and hacking pose a real danger to your practice. Diana Shepherd recently spoke with cybersecurity lawyer Bill Sosis about the steps family lawyers should take t... Read more
Can empathy really contribute to a family's lawyer's success? How do you maintain boundaries while empathizing? Can empathy help with a "client from hell"? International family lawyer Christ... Read more
In this video, IACP president Lori Gephart discusses the growth of Collaborative Practice & how it reduces conflict & minimizes negative impacts on individuals & families. Read more
As courts and practitioners continue to navigate the impacts of COVID-19, there has likely been a permanent impact on the interpretation of “temporary absences” under the UCCJEA. Read more
When a couple is getting divorced, what are the options when a significant amount of money is in one spouse's non-qualified deferred compensation plan? Read more
This clause has been misused to the extent that it's become more of a means to fight with the other parent rather than do what is best for the child. Read more
When civility in family law breaks down, the proceedings need a hard stop. Judges often try to curb bad behavior with polite remonstrances; unfortunately, these palliatives work infrequently... Read more
Attorneys must be zealous advocates, but that does not mean accepting every word our clients say. Keep that psychological grain of salt handy – and warn clients that they may sometimes be af... Read more
If you represent military families, then you should be dedicated to staying abreast of changes in the law. Here's what you must know about military retirement & divorce. Read more