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Without meaningful courtroom experience, how can a young lawyer acquire the litigation skills to go up against seasoned opposing counsel? Read more
Child Custody Trends in 2020 is the theme of the next issue of Family Lawyer Magazine. Send us an article, or take a short survey; learn more here. Read more
Online Dispute Resolution technology could generate significant opportunities for those attorneys willing to embrace change and evolve their practices. Read more
Here they come: the whiners, ingrates, and critics. Here's how to keep your patience – and your temper – when dealing with complainers. Read more
Can you overcome retention bias and adversarial allegiance during cross-examination? Stephen Kolodny offers advice based on his 50 years of trial experience. Read more
The legal profession has a serious problem with addiction and mental health issues; thankfully, several national lawyer organizations have stepped up to help. Read more
Do experts witnesses' opinions depend on who hired them? We asked lawyers as well as financial experts to discuss their experiences. Read more
Pay-Per-Click advertising is a cost-effective way for family lawyers to generate clients when executed properly. Here's what you need to know about PPC. Read more
The TCJA reduced after-tax income, but is that all bad news for the recipient? Here's an analysis of the economic reality of maintenance post-TCJA. Read more
When a car goes through an I-Pass toll collection point, it can establish a pattern of travel that divorce litigants may be called on to explain, under oath. Read more