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A parent cannot insulate an inheritance from consideration for child support by transforming it into a non‑income producing asset. Read more
District court had subject matter jurisdiction, under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), to decide child custody in divorce action involving former wife, a memb... Read more
Trial court imputed annual income to father as part of his child support obligation, where father lost his practice license following his conviction on felony drug charges, and have not pres... Read more
Finding of substantial change in circumstances was not prerequisite to modification of father's visitation with child; rather, appropriate consideration was whether modification was in child... Read more
Italian citizen father appeals from a decision denying his petition for return of his young son, who was abducted by his U.S. citizen former wife from Italy and left to the United States. Read more
Non-citizen spouse may enforce the contractual obligation undertaken by a citizen spouse under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), to support a non-citizen spouse at income at or abov... Read more
By Laura Morgan: Case Issue: Child Support - 2011: As a matter of apparent first impression, statute providing that father and mother had duty to maintain children was applicable to require... Read more
Chrysanthenia Dudley (“the former wife”) appeals from the denial of her motion to alter, amend, or vacate the judgment divorcing her from Sheldon Dudley (“the former husband”) or, in the alt... Read more
When the parties were initially divorced, the final judgment did not set out a specific visitation schedule; instead, it provided for liberal visitation. Subsequently, the former husband pet... Read more
The return of the Husband to Ghana while his Wife remained in the United States ultimately produced two separate divorce actions, each with an accompanying petition for child custody Read more