Obligor parent filed motion to modify child support, asking in part for reimbursement of child support payments made to former spouse during months for which parties’ minor children ultimately received a retroactive lump-sum payment of the obligor parent’s Social Security disability benefits. The trial court denied the motion, and the obligor parent appealed. The appellate court held that the obligor parent was not entitled to reimbursement from his former spouse for timely child support payments made during months for which former spouse, as representative payee for parties’ minor children, ultimately received a retroactive lump-sum payment of the obligor parent’s Social Security disability benefits, even though his child support obligation for those months would have been fulfilled if the children had received his Social Security disability payments contemporaneously rather than retroactively.
Read opinion (KS Judicial Branch @ www.kscourts.org)
Laura Morgan is a Family Law Consultant. Laura is available for consultation, brief writing and research on family law issues throughout the country. She can be reached through her website. www.famlawconsult.com
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