Administrator of former’s wife’s estate filed contempt action against former husband for non‑payment of alimony. Held: Under settlement decree incorporated into divorce judgment, which required former husband to pay alimony to former wife until her remarriage and for former husband to make payments for the benefit of former wife’s two children after former wife’s remarriage, former husband was required to continue making post‑remarriage payments following former wife’s death, where payments appeared to be intended for the support and schooling of wife’s children, not for former wife herself, and payments were voluntary contractual obligations agreed upon by former husband; both former wife and former husband had children from previous marriages, but they did not have any children together, and former husband made payments triggered by former wife’s remarriage until former wife died, but then stopped.
Laura Morgan is a Family Law Consultant. Laura is available for consultation, brief writing and research on family law issues throughout the country. She can be reached through her website.
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