May 2017

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Here is your May 2017 Family Lawyer Magazine e-Newsletter!


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We are offering you the opportunity to be seen as a thought leader in the community by contributing an article that will be read by thousands of industry professionals.

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In this issue:

  1. Legal Issues
    To Appeal or Not to Appeal
    By Michele M. Jochner, Appellate Lawyer
    You have fought the good fight — but despite your best efforts, the trial court did not award all that your client desired. After the dust settles, what, if any, next steps should be taken?
  2. Financial Matters
    5 Ways Financial Advisors Can Assist Family Lawyers with High-Net-Worth Divorce
    By Vincent Fiorentino & Alexandra Mililli, Financial Advisors
    Involving the right financial professional as early as possible can help to improve outcomes while reducing client stress during divorces involving wealthy couples.
  3. Technology
    Email Hacking on the Rise
    By Nicole Black, Lawyer & Technology Consultant
    Can – and should – lawyers share confidential information via email?
  4. Health and Well-Being
    Right-Brain Lawyering: Attorneys and the Importance of Art
    By James Gray Robinson, Consultant and Speaker
    Why lawyers should spend a short period everyday or at least every week engaged in imagination and creativity.

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We hope you find this newsletter valuable to your family law practice and invite your feedback.

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