Summer 2014

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Here is your Summer 2014 Family Lawyer Magazine e-Newsletter!


Free Webinar: “Why You Need a Responsive Website Now”
Thursday, June 12, 2014, 2 pm. EST.
Attend our free webinar and find out why you need a responsive website (one that displays properly on all devices), what to look for in a responsive site, and how to decide whether to convert your existing website or build a new one from scratch. Click here for more information.

In this issue:

  1. Legal
    Establishing and Disestablishing Paternity in a Divorce Case
    By Christian Denmon, Trial Lawyer
    Dealing with paternity cases can be nightmarish for divorce professionals. Know the laws, rules, and methods for defending a client properly.
  2. Family Lawyer Life
    Addiction and Dependency Among Family Lawyers
    By Joan Bibelhausen, Lawyer
    At some point in your career, you will probably encounter another lawyer whose addiction problems impair their ability to practice. Learn how to help.
  3. Support Payments
    Insuring Child and Spousal Support Against Disability
    By Ken Bloch, Chartered Life Underwriter
    A new insurance product ensures alimony, child support, and future educational expenses are covered in the case of unexpected disability.
  4. Practice Management
    Grow Your Family Law Practice Through Referrals
    By Matt Spiegel, Trial Lawyer
    Your chances of landing new business for your family law practice increase dramatically if you can develop a regular referral program.
  5. Financial
    Credit Harm & Divorce: An Overlooked, Recoverable Injury
    By Georg Finder, Credit Valuation Expert
    The key to a successful argument for credit reputation damage that will maximize injury value is to present a thorough analysis of the “before and after” picture of the party’s situation.What to Look for in a Valuation Expert
    An Interview with Shannon Pratt, Valuation Expert
    Shannon Pratt discusses how lawyers should choose and most effectively work with a valuator.

    Protecting Your Client’s Assets in a Divorce Using DAPT
    By Robert Pagliarini, Financial Advisor, and Neil Schoenblum, Senior Trust Officer
    A Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) is an advanced asset protection strategy that can be a good vehicle to protect assets in divorce.

  6. Case Management
    The Power of Acceptance in Divorce
    By Kalyn Block & Jeffrey Malone, Certified Integrative Life Coaches
    What legal professionals must know about the psychological term “acceptance”.
  7. Client Relations
    Options for Selling Valuables During Divorce
    By Jeremy Auslander, Jeweller
    Sometimes, divorcing clients have a need for quick cash to cover their living expenses before securing support or finalizing their settlements. Here are some options to consider.

Click here to view the PDF version.

We hope this newsletter is informative and useful towards your practice of family law.


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