Spring 2013

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Here is your Spring 2013 Family Lawyer Magazine e-Newsletter!


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In this issue:

  1. Financial Matters
    How to Correctly Identify Retirement Plans in a Divorce
    By Louise Nixon, QDRO Specialist
    One of the most common problems for family lawyers is figuring out retirement plans in a case. Here are tips to successfully identify these plans.
  2. Technology
    Tech Tools to Make You a More Effective Family Lawyer
    By Nicole Black, Lawyer
    To successfully practice law in the 21st century, take advantage of the flexibility and affordability of mobile and cloud computing.
  3. Marketing
    Have You Googled Your Name Lately?
    By Martha Chan, Marketing Consultant
    Reputation is important to all family lawyers, but how much control do you have over what is said about you and your law firm online?
  4. Courtroom Strategies
    Be a Better Advocate When Time is Short
    By Randall M. Kessler, Family Lawyer
    Sometimes attorneys are unable to succinctly convey relevant facts of a case because they become too emotionally invested. Keeping an objective eye is the most important tool to handle cases efficiently and effectively.
  5. Making a Difference
    Training Family Lawyers for Trial
    Our interview with Stephen Kolodny, Family Lawyer
    Stephen Kolodny talks about the Houston Family Law Trial Institute, the value it provides family lawyers, and why he feels the need and desire to “give back” to the profession.
  6. Custody
    Evaluating a Teen’s Parental Preference
    By Gerald Cooke, Psychologist
    Evaluators must carefully explore a teenager’s motives to properly gauge how well-reasoned their custody preference is.
  7. Health and Well-Being
    Use Ergonomics to Make Your Office More Comfortable and Productive
    By Odette Pollar, Consultant
    Ergonomic considerations are important for any office. Making a workplace more comfortable and productive includes considering air circulation and quality, lighting, sound control, furniture layout, computers and monitors.

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We hope this newsletter is informative and useful towards your practice of family law.


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